Are you looking for a Physiotherapist in Hoddesdon?
When you need to see a physiotherapist in Hoddesdon, it is important to know that they are experienced and specialise in your area of pain. Adam Mackie is a highly qualified Hoddesdon-based physiotherapist who can treat the following conditions: lower back pain, neck pain, arthritis, knee pain, shoulder pain, nerve pain, headaches, postural pain, tennis/golfers elbow, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, post-op rehab, sports injuries and cycling injuries.
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Local Hoddesdon Appointments
Our Hoddesdon physiotherapy clinic operates Monday to Friday 8.00am-7.00pm and 8.30am-1.00pm on Saturdays at Hailey View Surgery, 39 Christian Close, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9FF, which has lots of available parking. If you cannot get to the clinic, home visits are available by appointment.
Unlike some physiotherapists in Hoddesdon, it isn't always necessary to have a GP referral letter before you can make an appointment and we are recognised by all major private health insurance companies. However, you must have your insurers authorisation code before starting your treatment. Any appointment must be cancelled with 24 hours' notice.
Qualified Physio
When you require the help of a physiotherapist, you need to ensure that you are being treated by someone with the right expertise and experience to treat your pain. Adam Mackie is a highly qualified Hertfordshire-based physiotherapist who offers his clients a highly professional and effective physiotherapy service. He is registered with the Health Professionals Council and also the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and treats a wide range of conditions including lower back pain, neck pain, arthritis, knee pain, shoulder pain, nerve pain, headaches, postural pain, tennis/golfers elbow, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, post-op rehab, sports injuries and cycling injuries. Adam supports all of his patients through every step of their treatment and recovery by providing a tailored service which gets results; his friendly and flexible approach means that patients feel fully supported and Adam is happy to offer additional advice and support outside of the treatment room to further help patient recovery.
Near you
Adam's reputation for delivering a highly professional and effective physiotherapy service is second to none. If you need a Physiotherapist in Hoddesdon who can treat your pain through a variety of proven techniques, then make an appointment today.
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